Etac Aktiv Reacher

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SKU: GE18P-KP16R-RBMY6. Categories: , . Sold By: multiple sellers

The handle is angled to utilize the strength in the hand and provide an effective grip.

There is an index finger support on the handle which gives improved precision.

The entire gripping surface of the jaws is coated with hardwearing rubber, ensuring plenty of friction, which also reduces the amount of strength required. The jaws of the reacher can also be set in two positions.

This means that the reacher can be used both horizontally and vertically having to turn the arm. This reacher is available in two lengths, 45 and 70 cm.

Material Handle, key and jaws: polycarbonate and ABS
Forearm support and jaw bracket: Polyamide
Tube: aluminium
Weight 70 cm: 128 g
45 cm: 111 g
Lifting capacity : The reachers should not be used to lift more than 1 kg.





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